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Your Own Personal Google ABC Meme

22425493.jpgYou know how Google suggests searches when you start to type in something in that little window based on your previous searches? Here's my challenge... Post your own Google ABCs based on the first thing that comes up with each letter. And I'll start. Let the humiliation begin!

A is for Apple Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz MacBook - I got the 2.2GHz version.
B is for Bif Naked - A singer on an episode of Buffy.
C is for C-Beams - From a line in Bladerunner.
D is for Danny Strong - An actor who frequently appears on Buffy.
E is for Ecclesiastes - One of my favorite books in the Bible.
F is for Fashion Forward - A term I read that I'm still not sure I understand.
G is for Gabriel - One of the few named angels in the Bible.
H is for Hamlet Cartoon - And that's how I found Savage Chickens.
I is for I Miss Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Which is how I found this song.
J is for Jabba on the Dais - Sing it with me!
K is for Karl Spring - A local weather guy who said some silly things.
L is for Luke 16:1-13 - The parable of the dishonest steward. Because I was working on a sermon and this is a toughy.
M is for Mezzanine Word Origin - For this play.
N is for Nagini - Voldemort's snake.
O is for O Antiphons - Which are read in Advent. Also the basis for the hymn "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel."
P is for Philippians 2:1-11 - One of my favorites. I just preached on this last Sunday.
Q is for Qoheleth - The preacher from Ecclesiastes.
R is for Representative Huntley - A Minnesota legislator and I have no idea why I was looking him up now.
S is for Salisbury Hill - Which, I found out, is actually Solsbury Hill in the song by Peter Gabriel.
T is for Tannhauser Gate - Also from that same quote from Bladerunner.
U is for UNICEF - For which my church has an annual fundraiser.
V is for Von Steuben Day Parade - A parade celebrating German heritage immortalized in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
W is for Wapakoneta, Ohio - My hometown.
X is for XMP - Some computer extension I was looking up.
Y is for Yvonne Prettner Solon - Another Minnesota legislator.
Z is for Zeppo - One of the Marx Brothers.

Well, that wasn't nearly as embarrassing as I had hoped... I mean feared.

You are officially tagged to do this meme on your own blog or, if you don't have one, in the comments space here. You don't have to do explanatory notes if you don't want to. I just felt the need.


I turned off that feature because I didn't want my kids knowing all the embarrassing stuff I look up.

A-Avon publishing
B-Blue prairie bed and breakfast
C-Cowan HS
E-nothing there
G-greyhound bus lines
H-historical editing projects
J-John Andre
L-Ladies Home Journal
M-Muncie NHS
P-Prudential Newlin Johnson
R-Rockville, IN
T-Tuesday Morning
U-urban dictionary
Z-Zionsville + cheesemaking

Man, am I boring!

Cheesemaking! Woot!

Not nearly as embarrassing as I expected it to be...

A- Anywho.com
B-Brett Guinn (surgeon)
C-Chocolate Cafe Midtown Breakfast (when I was looking for a certain cafe in NYC.)
D-Dance Exchange (shopping for dance shoes
E- Ecumenical prayers before meals
F-FedEx Kinkos
G- Great Waters St. Paul
H- Hotels in Livonia Michigan
I- If I Ruled the World song lyrics
J- Jack Karney author
K- Kenneth Vineleaf (college sweetheart)
L- Land's End
M- Mary Oliver (favorite poet)
N- Nike RN 56233
O- One point compactification
P- Pair of Pants physics
Q- Nothing
R- Rag and Bone bookstore (in search of my friend's grandfather's books)
S- Scientific Observation
T- Thou Shalt Know Him When He Comes (a wonderful choral piece)
U- Urologist gloves for examining horses (gift as a joke for my friend who was entering med school for urology)
V- Vitalis Sun Bowl
W- WBL Fusion U16 (local girls soccer)
X- nothing
Y- Yiddish word for excited
Z- Zander Cafe St. Paul

This was a blast!

Hehehe... I love the fact that commenters on my blog are googling other commenters.

Thanks for posting, Eileen!

What do ya wanna know about Brett....? What are you willing to pay...bwahahahahahahahha!

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