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emma3.GIFI realized yesterday when I was talking with some people who regularly read my blog that I often write about the cutely obnoxious things my son Simon does and says because he's the king of one liners. I don't so often write about Emma. In the spirit of fairness let me share a few stories about my daughter.

Emma Newborn - When Emma was first born she and I were taken to a nursery and, since Charlotte had to have stitches and there were two other babies being born at the same time, we were left alone for the first hour of her life. In that hour I realized that she was already a fully formed human being with her own personality and her own perspective on things. Boy, has that turned out to be true.

Emma Startled - I remember Emma's first sneeze. It was sudden and violent and when it was over she looked startled and started crying as if saying, "I'm only two weeks old and my nose has exploded!"

Emma as Nascent Feminist - When Emma was just learning to speak she asked her mom for some water. Charlotte responded saying, "You got it, babe." Emma replied saying, "Name not 'Babe.' Name's 'Emma.'" This was her first complete sentence.

Emma as Revolutionary - When Emma was three or four she became fascinated with street lights and why green meant go and red meant stop. This seemed arbitrary to her and we had conversations in the car for months about how she could change the status quo. "Papa, I have an idea. Why don't you just start going on red and stopping on green to show people a different way?" I replied that that was called civil disobedience and while I could do that, I would have to accept the consequences, which could mean all sorts of fines and maybe even getting in an accident.

Emma the Considerate - I remember the first time we stayed in a hotel room and, after we got up, Emma started making the beds. I told her room service would do that, but she seemed to think it was wrong that anyone should make a bed for her. Right on, Emma.

Emma as Trooper - When Emma was six she was in a production of Annie. The play ran 3 weekends with around 18 performances. Her role was very demanding with lots of singing and dancing. She played Molly, the smallest orphan, and she had to have a big voice and big stage presence. Towards the end of the run she got sick and had a hard time speaking. But she didn't throw in the towel. Between scenes she would rest, drink tea and lemon, not speak to anyone, and when she went on the stage no one would have known she was sick. I'm not sure I could ever be any prouder.

Emma as Thespian - Last month Emma was in a Shakespeare workshop where the participants prepared scenes for the final showcase. One of her classmates dropped out at the last minute and the director asked if Emma would mind filling in, learning her lines and blocking in just two days! And Emma did it flawlessly.


That's a great picture of both of you...she always did have such a presence about her. Glad (and not surprised) to hear that she's putting it to good use. :-)

I'm so glad I'm not the only parent who's a geek about their kids!

and then there's my favorite emma story...

"emma on theology: at epworth forest church camp one summer, i was reading young emma (four years old maybe?) a noah's ark children's book. at the end when the rainbow came, i asked her, "emma, do you know what the rainbow stands for?" and she promptly replied "rainbows don't stand for anything. they dance."

gotta love that.

oh wait... i'm wrong. her response was actually even better...

she said:

"don't tell me what rainbow's stand for... tell me what they dance for."

so much better than my first recollection. and more accurate too, i believe.

i'm getting old. and so is emma, which is somehow much weirder to me.

Ah yes! What do rainbows dance for? I had forgotten that story. My daughter is a great theologian, no doubt about it.

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