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asterisk.jpgSo, Barry Bonds' career homerun record breaking baseball is heading to the hall of fame with an asterisk on it... literally. Marc Ecko, who purchased the baseball for over $750,000, had an on-line poll as to what to do with the questionable baseball and the overwhelming winner was - stamp it with an asterisk.

To me this is less of a sports story and more of an arts story. This is a creative and whimsical response to what many people find to be a ethically ambiguous situation. I salute Mr. Ecko for this foray into public art.


Okay, this is stretching the remains of my 2 years of Italian to its limits, but I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out what this has to do with this particular post. On the other hand, what I can get out of this seems interesting, something having to do with games, psychology, artificial intelligence, and neurology. Should have studied harder, I guess.

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