Yeah, Love's a lot like that
So on the 10 hour trip between Two Harbors and Joliet today we had the requisite "what's with that?" discussions in the car. Emma started randomly singing "That's Amore"...
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore.and I stopped her and said, "Say what?"
First of all, neither of us have ever been hit in the eye by either a naturally occuring satellite or a doughy comestible with cheese and tomato sauce.
Second of all, when we extrapolate what we know of pizza and the moon we doubt that the experience of being hit in the eye by said objects would be at all comparable. The first would be mildly inconvenient while the second would be undoubtedly fatal.
Third of all, whether pizza or moon, we can't figure out how being hit in the eye by either of them would be even roughly analogous to the state of being in love.
This whole conversation caused my daughter to sing:
When something from space hits you in the face, that's like love.Any words of clarification would be most welcomed.
Well, obviously, you have neat, polite children. I think that all of my kids have hit me in my eye and everywhere else with pizza and other tokens of their infant least, I think it was love........
Posted by: Leah | August 14, 2007 10:03 PM
The obvious connection is, well...
Pizza/moon/Dean Martin/romantic gestures made by anyone but your s.o. =
Posted by: Leah | August 14, 2007 10:05 PM
Gee, I always preferred the lyric as...
"When you're diving down deep and something bites your feet--that's a Moray..."
I think I was about Emma's age when I came up with that, and it has the advantage of being a really horrible pun AND making more sense than the original. ;-)
Posted by: Celia Finsel | August 15, 2007 9:53 AM
At the risk of actually answering the question, I think "hits your eye" is more akin to "struck by a vision" than "slapped in the face". I suppose the line means something like "when you find that the moon seems to loom larger in your vision than normal, you're probably in love".
Posted by: Fuzzy | August 15, 2007 12:17 PM
the "when you're diving down deep and something bites your feet that's a Moray" is going to entertain me for days.
Posted by: laurie | August 16, 2007 9:49 PM